Please contact us at or 567-429-1909 with any questions utilizing the online booking site. If you are looking to book an online appointment, view availability at either office.

Summer Camps

Special Offerings

Summer camps, peer groups, partner events, etc

Getting Started - Consultations, Assessments, First Sessions

Start here if you are interested in having a free consultation to learn more about our services (music therapy and therapeutic music lessons). This is also where you can book your assessment sessions for music therapy or first sessions for therapeutic music lessons.

Music Therapy

Individual or Group music therapy services offered by a board-certified music therapist (MT-BC)

Therapeutic Music Lessons

Therapeutic/Adapted music lessons provided by a board-certified music therapist (MT-BC) on instruments such as guitar, piano, ukulele, voice. Other instrument lessons may be available.

Professional Services

Consultations, Presentations, Tables at Fairs/Walks, etc.

Select a session from the list on the left
to view available appointment times

Pick a treatment to book

Toledo Office - Toledo Office
Located at: 5515 Fern Dr, Toledo
Directions & Map | All Locations